Friday, March 11, 2011

BLOG ASSIGNMENT #9 (Reflection on the Gaming presentation)

Game Design

Reflection :
For the game design, our group did a RPG game called Aberdeen. I think we still need some works for the rules in our presentation. It is a little bit hard to explain the rules for our game, especially the point that players can switch between the protagonists when they are playing. We didn’t write that players can switch only between Carson and Adele. Also, I think we need more rules when we switch protagonists. For instance, we can add some different special skills for each one, such as the man character (Carson) is good at fighting with the evil colleague( Donovan), the woman character (Adele) is good at finding the lost piece for the time machine. Therefore, if you need to find the lost piece now, you can change to the woman protagonist, or if you need to fight with the evil colleague, you can switch to the man protagonist. I think that will be more specific and clear for our game.
Objectives in our game are also a hard part to explain and understand. If the player didn't win the fighting between Carson and Donovan, he must restart the level which he failed. So, when the players finding all the pieces for the time machine, our game is end. 
       I think we did pretty well for our goals, and I really thought our game can be invested to a game company. Our audience is young adults who are interested in history and steam punk, because our ideas for the outfits and clothing were came from steam punk. So, I think the visual effects could be amazing. In addition, we have a clear goal list, which are finding missing pieces of time machine and progress though levels of increasing difficulty. Those are very clear and easy to understand what the audience is going to achieve in the game.
Mechanics is the part which I believe is the easiest part for a game design, because when you are design the mechanic, you just decide which button used for what function.  

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