Friday, March 11, 2011


Karim Rashid’s Creative Manifesto:
Karim Rashid is very creative person. In his points, there are several ones speak to me the most.
1.      Never say: “I could have done that” because you didn’t.
To be honest, I choose this point because I strongly agree with him at this part. Being confident is a very important quality in creative life; however, we can not guarantee that we won’t have any other interesting ideas in the future. In addition, however strong you are, there is always someone stronger. We should be confident, but we can’t be arrogant.
2.      Normal is not good.
This point let me thinking a lot. I always believe normal things can be easily accepted by people. If a production can not be accepted by the masses, I even didn’t believe that is a successful piece. After I saw Karim’s design, I started to change my opinion. His designs are the things that we can use in our normal life, but his ideas are not normal. He tries to make his productions looks different, and unusual. I really like the colors he chose for each of his productions. He is good at making normal production become different. Basically, I think it will be help me in the creative process and creative life. I am changing my visual angle for what the real creative life is. Normal is not wrong, but it is not good.
3.      Experience is the most important part of living, and the exchange of ideas and human contact is all life really is. Space and objects can encourage increased experiences or distract from our experiences.
Before I read his points, I believe people’s life need experiences. However, I didn’t realize that the exchange of ideas and human contact is all life really is. After I read this point, I start to think it. When I was creating something, I was actually creating an idea. Then, I can exchange that idea with some other people’s ideas. That’s what we do everyday. When we go to the class, we are contact with our teachers and other students. When we are talking with someone, we are exchanging ideas with them.
4.      Here and now is all we’ve got.
   This is also an interesting point in his ideas. Actually, I agree with him. The passed time is like sand, we can not hold it. The future, we also can not predict what will be happened. We are living right now, this time. What we can hold is right now. Only we try to use every time in our life, we can hold our whole life. This is not about what we can predict; this is about how much time we can hold in our life.
Correlation between Karim’s manifesto and his work:
I believe there is a compact connection between Karim’s manifesto and his work. Because of the understanding of life and creative process, he knows what he needs to do. Also, because of those points, he can fix his weaknesses. The more clearly he understands the creative life, the more amazing productions we can create.                  

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