Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Blog Assignment #7

 Both videos have been posted below.

Meng Li
Eric R. Williams
MDIA 203
Feb 28th, 2011
Blog assignment #7
Joke Videos
Based on the two joke videos my team produced, I want to focus talking about the movement and the line for each one.
First, the movement we created was contrast between each other. The first video which has a warm and yellow old style overall, we changed the movement to very fast for each character. The reason is we want to create this one like a short situation comedy. Also, we used fast movement to create a joke effect. We also use point of interest to produce the conversation between the two characters, even though they were talking by using a phone. Because the two characters were all sitting at a desk, so basically, there was no direction for their movement. For the second video which has a black and white style, the movement for the girl was medium, just like general walking. Also, her movement showed her direction, toward to the man who was sitting in the room. To be contrast, the man’s movement was faster than the girl because he was a successful and arrogant lawyer. He was more confident than the little office girl. Meanwhile, to shoot the girl’s movement, we used a simple horizontal move. The girl’s movement was also an object movement.
Second, the line we used in the first video was contrast with the second one. In the first video, both characters were sitting at a desk, their bodies both showed up curvilinear beside a desk. To be contrast, the second video we shoot was using both straight line and curvilinear line. When the girl standing in the lawyer’s office, the girl showed a straight line and the lawyer who was sitting there showed a curvilinear line. So, both straight line and curvilinear line were showed in one frame this time. Last but not the least, in the second video, we have an extreme close up shot for the lawyer, in that shot, there was a virtual line for where the lawyer’s eye looking at.    
For these two videos, they are all old styles because of the main color we used. One is a kind of warm and yellow color, the other one is black and white color. So, these videos are affinity in this part.
In the first video, the audience will look at the words about what the characters talking about on the screen. Actually, here, we used subtext telling the audience what the joke is talking about. For the second video, the audiences can here the explanation and the texts at the same time. So, we used text for the second video.                       

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