Wednesday, January 12, 2011


         I believe that I'm a "almost" creative person. The reason is that there are some stuff which can give me some afflatus when I looking at them. For instance, the blue sky, the ocean and the night, all of them can give me a special feeling and emotion. When I was in high school, I always finish my homework until midnight, also, finishing work with a cup of coffee. I love doing some different unusual activities at night, such like creating some actions for my fittness class orcreating my own notes for the classes.
          Example A
          The person who inspired me a lot is Gabrielle Bonheuor, she was the first designer of "Coco chanel", and actually, she created this high fashion brand. Who have ever thought that she was just a singer at the begining. "Coco Before Chanel", a movie which was directed by Anne Fontiane, and brought my mind to the coco world. She used many contrast in this movie in order to show up the difference between Gabrielle's clothing and other ladies' clothing at that time. Gabrielle's clothing was made by herself, and she didn't like the complicated decoration. Therefore, the dress which she made was simple and good grace. She was good at using basic colored cloth to make her dress, such like black, white, grey or brown. However, ladies at that time like wearing colorful cloth, such as pink, red, green, and yellow. Also, the whole movie uses contrast to show Gabrielle's status changed after she became a successful fashion designer. In this movie, the director used affinity to describe other ladies' clothing. Their clothing were all beautiful and comply with the fashion at that time. They were all wearing skirts with corselets and palace formula hats. After I saw this movie, my beauty vision was totally changed. I was not like complicated clothing any more, instead, I believed that simple clothes can also show up people's personality. 
         This is the contrast between "Coco" and another lady at that time.
Here is a official trailer for the movie "Coco Before Chanel". In this movie, Audrey Tautou plays the part of  Gabrielle Bonheuor.   

 Example B
        Transformers is an active movie which directed by Michael Bay. Even though this movie uses a lot of active scene, such as the Roberts fighting with human beings or the justicial team is fighting with the evil team. The part which attracted me is, the process of each Robert transforming from a vehicle. Michael uses 3D effect for the Roberts, and also, when the Roberts were transforming from vehicles, the nuanced visual effects told the audience how they worked. I can specifically remember each part of each vehicle transformed to a huge and powerful Robert. Michael didn’t use lines to describe how the Roberts transformed, he used a subtext to let audience know hoe it work. Actually, he gave most of vehicles a up view when they transformed. He just used sound and visual effects. I thought that was a great way to describe the transforming. The reason is, using only sound effects and visual effects can make the audience concentrate on how it works. This active movie shows people how advanced technology in the modern society is, meanwhile, Michael uses active way to show it up because active is more powerful than didactic.  This movie taught me about how to use new technology in a 3D movie, also, how meticulous a great movie should be.
  This picture as follow shows a vehicle chevrolet camaro transformed to a robert which called bumblebee. 
   Here is a movie trailer for Transformers 2.

       Example C
       Now, it’s the turn for my favorite movie The Devil Wears Prada. This movie was directed by David Frankel, also, I know this director because of this movie. David described a almost real life about the people who worked for a fashion magazine company, even involved the people who worked in Hollywood. In the movie The Devil Wears Prada, David not only showed how a fashion company worked, also told the audience how much competition and hardness you should face by using subconscious. Here is a group of scene that attracted me a lot: when Andrea Sachs (played by Anne Hathaway) worked in the Runway magazine company as Miranda Priestly’s (played by Meryl Streep) second assistant in the first a few days, she had to accept every demand from Miranda Priestly without any refuse. This movie uses many subtexts among groups of scene, and also, the changing between each scene was very fast. For that reason, it can attract the audience attention in an efficient way. In another way, this movie told a story in a fashion company, therefore, the appearance in this movie also was a big point. However, David was not made those luxury productions as a leader in this movie, he defined those productions as a assistant tool. I love this movie a lot because it shows a working speed and rule when people working for a company in the modern society. Actually, this movie gives me some tips for my future in the working area.   

Here is a picture which can show the fashion point for this movie.

Here is the movie trailer for The Devil Wears Prada.


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