Monday, January 17, 2011


Mitch Ditkoff, 14 Ways to Get Breakthrough Ideas. 
According to the article “14 Ways to Get Breakthrough Ideas” written by Mitch Ditkoff, people can get best ideas in many ways. Also, people can get their extraordinary ideas without analysis, read, or research some boring data. People have habits or any other actions that can get their attention, therefore, when people doing things they like to do, they will receive something special occasionally or unexpected. However, we can’t just doing things what we like, we have to do something that we hate. When we face this time, there is another way to let ourselves getting into it, that is immerse. We must forget the feeling of hate, bored or any other obstacles. We have to enjoy what we are doing, and then our brain can start working. In Mitch’s article, he uses an example about hatching to explain his opinion which is really attracting my eyes. That example can deeply explain why we need to immerse. When we get one idea, we can’t stop working because we have to tolerate ambiguity. The idea that appeared in our mind is not the result, it’s just an idea. We do not know if it will be a fabulous project or awful rubbish. The first thing we need to do is accept that idea and accept an area called “grey zone”. The reason is, we are thinking about a breakthrough idea. Another way in Mitch’s article is make new connections. People are used to live in their world what they are already known. We need to create some new things, new connections in order to get some breakthrough ideas. Mitch thought the more we are willing to get out the box we have already owned, the more likely a new connection will be appeared. The fifth way that Mitch mentioned in this article is fantasize. Many people agree that fantasize is not a good habit in our daily life. However, they do not know, many breakthrough ideas were born when we stay in our own world. That’s what Mitch told, “Use the imagination”. Sometimes people can’t get the breakthrough idea because they get the wrong problem. Therefore, there is a way called “define the right challenge”. The seventh way is “listen to your subconscious”, which means that breakthroughs almost always came after extensive periods of intense. The strong example for this method that I believed is Rene Descartes got the idea for the Scientific Method in a dream. Actually, our mind will keep the breakthrough under our subconscious, and figure it out in its own. Next method, take a break. I believe that is a great method to get a breakthrough idea. There is a logic in the article, the more obsession, analysis or effort we do, the less ideas, solutions or results we receive. The ninth way is notice and challenge existing patterns and trends. Many old patterns will be reconfigured in new ways by breakthrough thinkers. The next way is hang out with diverse groups of people. Mitch suggests that people need to break the bonds of the familiar, and contact with people outside of their field. We can get new ideas, thinking ways or emotion by using this way. That is a way straight to a breakthrough idea. The next one is brainstorm. Under this way, we gather all the well and good, we receive other people’s spark ideas. There is a strong example for this part, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Breakthrough ideas will also appear when we are looking for happy accidents. We need the ability to notice something new and unexpected in our life. That will give us inspiration for our spark ideas. Another way to get a breakthrough idea is, use creative thinking techniques. This technique is like a jumper cable, it can help us keep our brain working, and escape stuck. The last way in Mitch‘s article is, suspend logic. What we need to do is, stop our judgment, and stop our evaluation for a moment, breakthrough idea is right there, on the other side. I believe all the ways in this article are valid and effective and I will try to use them in my own creative life.
In my mind, the most attractive ideas in this article are, follow your fascination, fantasize and hang out with diverse groups of people. I think those three ways can be used in my own creative life, and they can be worked very well. The first one is fascination. I believe that the most attractive thing during our daily life is, we can do whatever we want. During that time, my brain can work efficiently without any break. The reason is, I am exciting at that time, not only my body, but also my mind and brain. The next great way in this article is, fantasize. I love fantasize because my mind is travelling at that time. I can image any unreliable actions, things or ideas. They are like many bugs in my mind, and they are jumping any way they want. The last one is, hang out with diverse groups of people. This one will help me in my creative life a lot. This is a fast way to get what other people are thinking about. I can realize some different ways of thinking when I am talking with other people. Even though I will not other people’s idea, I can escape the idea that has been already done by other people. Therefore, I can create some other new ideas.
Question #11 in this article: What is the topic of your next group brainstorm? Who will you invite? Who will facilitate? When?
Topic: what is the real goal in people’s life?
I will invite my father and my boyfriend to discuss this topic at our next weekend dinner. I think my father will be the person who will facilitate.          

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