Monday, January 31, 2011

Audio Reflection Soundscape-Meng

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Wednesday, January 26, 2011


       Article: Seth Godin's "Brainwashed".
       In the article "Brainwashed" , written by Seth Godin, he elaborated seven ways for people to reinvent themselves. There is a way called "Acknowledge the Lizard". He pointed out that the lizard brain is a prehistoric brainstem which all the people should against with it. In another word, the lizard is the resistance in our mind and head. When we have a new idea, we may hesitate , here, the lizard start to work. We may worry about the idea if it is really good one or it is a breakthrough idea. If we fear to try it, the lizard brain win. However, if we acknowledge it, we can ignore it. 
        "Connect" also is a way explained in Seth's article. We are all connected with the world today, we are not alone. To be connected means we can learn, earn and even achieve something that we've never thought. Stay in a cage means failure, we have to create the connection if we want to grasp the right, the power. 
         According to this article, I realized that, first, these two ways that I summarized above are really useful to myself. Second, the assignments and the projects that I created in the Blog or in the lab are really useful for my creating life. The reason I say that is, those assignments are creative, they can drill my creative thinking. When I was doing those exercises, I can let all my creative ideas point out, and choose the one which I need from them. I believe those assignments can help me become a better artist. 
         On the other hand, for the creative process class, we can learn more process about how the great music, songs or movies created. It can be useful when I create my own project.    

Sunday, January 23, 2011


 This is the original song "Thank You" by Dido.

This is the covered song "Thank You" by Yilin Cai.

Meng Li
Eric R. Williams
MDIA 203
Jan 23rd, 2011
Blog assignment #3A
Exploration of Cover Songs
“Thank You” is a song that a loved very much, this song is not only performed by Dido, also performed by a Chinese singer, Yilin Cai. Even though each performer uses the same name of this song, they also have some similarities and differences.
The first part I want to discuss is the similarities of these two songs. Actually, the original song and the covered song are both use the same lyrics and melody. The melody of these two songs is brisk and a little bit lazy. When the audience are listening these songs, they can feel very comfortable and forget their stress. The lyricist uses some words like window, best day, thank you and life to show up a warm and comfortable feeling in this song.
Next, although the original one and the covered song have the same lyrics and melody, they also have some differences. The first one is the intensity of these two songs. For instance, the original song uses softer intensity. Even though at the climax part, the singer still uses a medium volume to perform. However, for the covered song, the Chinese singer uses louder intensity. Therefore, the singer’s sound became the main point in the song.
The second different between these two songs is their pitch. For the original one, the pitch is lower. Therefore, it can help the intensity of this song become softer. In contrast, the pitch in the covered one is higher. However, the pitch in the beginning of these two songs is switched. The original one’s drumbeat pitch is higher and the covered one’s drumbeat pitch is lower.
These two songs are active because the lyricist put words into the songs, and they are not just having music. The lyricist for these two songs wants to show up what is the theme of the song, so he uses words, sentences and music to make this song completely. Therefore, the audience can easily understand what the singer is singing about. But, there are many parts in the song just have music. For this case, the lyricist uses a didactic way to make each sentences connected. So, the audiences can still focusing on this song when there are no words sometimes. It can keep the audiences pay attention, and let them blend in the environment which the song created.
These two songs are all not contrast. The music is soft and coherent, but no big ups and downs. So, they are all use affinity to create the music, and there is a process between the beginning from the song to the climax part, then there is a process from the climax part to the ending.
To be honest, I love the original one better because it uses a softer intensity to explore the song. Also, I think the singer’s sound from the original one feels like more comfortable. She uses a steady sound to explore the song, and I love her timbre from the song. Actually, I really like the dubbing from the original one. There are many different dubbing sounds in it, so the song is more complex than the covered one.                              

Monday, January 17, 2011


Mitch Ditkoff, 14 Ways to Get Breakthrough Ideas. 
According to the article “14 Ways to Get Breakthrough Ideas” written by Mitch Ditkoff, people can get best ideas in many ways. Also, people can get their extraordinary ideas without analysis, read, or research some boring data. People have habits or any other actions that can get their attention, therefore, when people doing things they like to do, they will receive something special occasionally or unexpected. However, we can’t just doing things what we like, we have to do something that we hate. When we face this time, there is another way to let ourselves getting into it, that is immerse. We must forget the feeling of hate, bored or any other obstacles. We have to enjoy what we are doing, and then our brain can start working. In Mitch’s article, he uses an example about hatching to explain his opinion which is really attracting my eyes. That example can deeply explain why we need to immerse. When we get one idea, we can’t stop working because we have to tolerate ambiguity. The idea that appeared in our mind is not the result, it’s just an idea. We do not know if it will be a fabulous project or awful rubbish. The first thing we need to do is accept that idea and accept an area called “grey zone”. The reason is, we are thinking about a breakthrough idea. Another way in Mitch’s article is make new connections. People are used to live in their world what they are already known. We need to create some new things, new connections in order to get some breakthrough ideas. Mitch thought the more we are willing to get out the box we have already owned, the more likely a new connection will be appeared. The fifth way that Mitch mentioned in this article is fantasize. Many people agree that fantasize is not a good habit in our daily life. However, they do not know, many breakthrough ideas were born when we stay in our own world. That’s what Mitch told, “Use the imagination”. Sometimes people can’t get the breakthrough idea because they get the wrong problem. Therefore, there is a way called “define the right challenge”. The seventh way is “listen to your subconscious”, which means that breakthroughs almost always came after extensive periods of intense. The strong example for this method that I believed is Rene Descartes got the idea for the Scientific Method in a dream. Actually, our mind will keep the breakthrough under our subconscious, and figure it out in its own. Next method, take a break. I believe that is a great method to get a breakthrough idea. There is a logic in the article, the more obsession, analysis or effort we do, the less ideas, solutions or results we receive. The ninth way is notice and challenge existing patterns and trends. Many old patterns will be reconfigured in new ways by breakthrough thinkers. The next way is hang out with diverse groups of people. Mitch suggests that people need to break the bonds of the familiar, and contact with people outside of their field. We can get new ideas, thinking ways or emotion by using this way. That is a way straight to a breakthrough idea. The next one is brainstorm. Under this way, we gather all the well and good, we receive other people’s spark ideas. There is a strong example for this part, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Breakthrough ideas will also appear when we are looking for happy accidents. We need the ability to notice something new and unexpected in our life. That will give us inspiration for our spark ideas. Another way to get a breakthrough idea is, use creative thinking techniques. This technique is like a jumper cable, it can help us keep our brain working, and escape stuck. The last way in Mitch‘s article is, suspend logic. What we need to do is, stop our judgment, and stop our evaluation for a moment, breakthrough idea is right there, on the other side. I believe all the ways in this article are valid and effective and I will try to use them in my own creative life.
In my mind, the most attractive ideas in this article are, follow your fascination, fantasize and hang out with diverse groups of people. I think those three ways can be used in my own creative life, and they can be worked very well. The first one is fascination. I believe that the most attractive thing during our daily life is, we can do whatever we want. During that time, my brain can work efficiently without any break. The reason is, I am exciting at that time, not only my body, but also my mind and brain. The next great way in this article is, fantasize. I love fantasize because my mind is travelling at that time. I can image any unreliable actions, things or ideas. They are like many bugs in my mind, and they are jumping any way they want. The last one is, hang out with diverse groups of people. This one will help me in my creative life a lot. This is a fast way to get what other people are thinking about. I can realize some different ways of thinking when I am talking with other people. Even though I will not other people’s idea, I can escape the idea that has been already done by other people. Therefore, I can create some other new ideas.
Question #11 in this article: What is the topic of your next group brainstorm? Who will you invite? Who will facilitate? When?
Topic: what is the real goal in people’s life?
I will invite my father and my boyfriend to discuss this topic at our next weekend dinner. I think my father will be the person who will facilitate.          

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


         I believe that I'm a "almost" creative person. The reason is that there are some stuff which can give me some afflatus when I looking at them. For instance, the blue sky, the ocean and the night, all of them can give me a special feeling and emotion. When I was in high school, I always finish my homework until midnight, also, finishing work with a cup of coffee. I love doing some different unusual activities at night, such like creating some actions for my fittness class orcreating my own notes for the classes.
          Example A
          The person who inspired me a lot is Gabrielle Bonheuor, she was the first designer of "Coco chanel", and actually, she created this high fashion brand. Who have ever thought that she was just a singer at the begining. "Coco Before Chanel", a movie which was directed by Anne Fontiane, and brought my mind to the coco world. She used many contrast in this movie in order to show up the difference between Gabrielle's clothing and other ladies' clothing at that time. Gabrielle's clothing was made by herself, and she didn't like the complicated decoration. Therefore, the dress which she made was simple and good grace. She was good at using basic colored cloth to make her dress, such like black, white, grey or brown. However, ladies at that time like wearing colorful cloth, such as pink, red, green, and yellow. Also, the whole movie uses contrast to show Gabrielle's status changed after she became a successful fashion designer. In this movie, the director used affinity to describe other ladies' clothing. Their clothing were all beautiful and comply with the fashion at that time. They were all wearing skirts with corselets and palace formula hats. After I saw this movie, my beauty vision was totally changed. I was not like complicated clothing any more, instead, I believed that simple clothes can also show up people's personality. 
         This is the contrast between "Coco" and another lady at that time.
Here is a official trailer for the movie "Coco Before Chanel". In this movie, Audrey Tautou plays the part of  Gabrielle Bonheuor.   

 Example B
        Transformers is an active movie which directed by Michael Bay. Even though this movie uses a lot of active scene, such as the Roberts fighting with human beings or the justicial team is fighting with the evil team. The part which attracted me is, the process of each Robert transforming from a vehicle. Michael uses 3D effect for the Roberts, and also, when the Roberts were transforming from vehicles, the nuanced visual effects told the audience how they worked. I can specifically remember each part of each vehicle transformed to a huge and powerful Robert. Michael didn’t use lines to describe how the Roberts transformed, he used a subtext to let audience know hoe it work. Actually, he gave most of vehicles a up view when they transformed. He just used sound and visual effects. I thought that was a great way to describe the transforming. The reason is, using only sound effects and visual effects can make the audience concentrate on how it works. This active movie shows people how advanced technology in the modern society is, meanwhile, Michael uses active way to show it up because active is more powerful than didactic.  This movie taught me about how to use new technology in a 3D movie, also, how meticulous a great movie should be.
  This picture as follow shows a vehicle chevrolet camaro transformed to a robert which called bumblebee. 
   Here is a movie trailer for Transformers 2.

       Example C
       Now, it’s the turn for my favorite movie The Devil Wears Prada. This movie was directed by David Frankel, also, I know this director because of this movie. David described a almost real life about the people who worked for a fashion magazine company, even involved the people who worked in Hollywood. In the movie The Devil Wears Prada, David not only showed how a fashion company worked, also told the audience how much competition and hardness you should face by using subconscious. Here is a group of scene that attracted me a lot: when Andrea Sachs (played by Anne Hathaway) worked in the Runway magazine company as Miranda Priestly’s (played by Meryl Streep) second assistant in the first a few days, she had to accept every demand from Miranda Priestly without any refuse. This movie uses many subtexts among groups of scene, and also, the changing between each scene was very fast. For that reason, it can attract the audience attention in an efficient way. In another way, this movie told a story in a fashion company, therefore, the appearance in this movie also was a big point. However, David was not made those luxury productions as a leader in this movie, he defined those productions as a assistant tool. I love this movie a lot because it shows a working speed and rule when people working for a company in the modern society. Actually, this movie gives me some tips for my future in the working area.   

Here is a picture which can show the fashion point for this movie.

Here is the movie trailer for The Devil Wears Prada.